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Animator As Code is a small Unity Editor facility to generate Avatars 3.0 Animator layers and animations from a fluent builder syntax written in C#.

Describing your animators as code provides the following advantages:

It is written with VRChat Avatars 3.0 use cases in mind; the API is opinionated to facilitate writing such animators in a concise way, hopefully requiring as little additional tweaking.

Interested? Join my Discord Server

This is a work in progress, I am looking for feedback!

Join the Invitation Discord Server!

Install and usage manual

There are currently no releases.

Clone the repository within a subfolder of your Unity project, or download the source code and install in any subfolder of your project.

The project can be located within Assets/AnimatorAsCodeFramework but you can choose any location.

<aside> ℹ️ The usage manual is on GitHub!


GitHub - hai-vr/av3-animator-as-code: Write concise code to generate Avatars 3.0 Animators ⚠️ The current API version is in experimental phase. Some breaking changes are expected within V0.x.x, but not in a way that profoundly affects the structure of your programs. Please join the Discord for feedback.


Animator As Code contains an example scene in Examples/.

This is a good place to start.

#0 Toggle a GameObject

This example shows:


public class GenExample0_ToggleGo : MonoBehaviour
    public VRCAvatarDescriptor avatar;
    public AnimatorController assetContainer;
    public string assetKey;
    public GameObject item;

private void Create()
    var my = (GenExample0_ToggleGo) target;
    // The avatar is used here:
    // - to find the FX playable layer animator, where a new layer will be created.
    // - to resolve the relative animation path to the item.
    // The generated animation files are stored in the asset container.
    var aac = AacExample.AnimatorAsCode("Example 0", my.avatar, my.assetContainer, my.assetKey, AacExample.Options().WriteDefaultsOff());

    // Create a layer in the FX animator.
    // Additional layers can be created in the FX animator (see later in the manual).
    var fx = aac.CreateMainFxLayer();

    // The first created state is the default one connected to the "Entry" node.
    // States are automatically placed on the grid (see later in the manual).
    var hidden = fx.NewState("Hidden")
        // Animation assets are generated as sub-assets of the asset container.
        // The animation path to my.skinnedMesh is relative to my.avatar
        .WithAnimation(aac.NewClip().Toggling(my.item, false));
    var shown = fx.NewState("Shown")
        .WithAnimation(aac.NewClip().Toggling(my.item, true));

    // Creates a Bool parameter in the FX layer.
    // Parameters are added to the Animator if a parameter with the same name
    // does not exist yet.
    var itemParam = fx.BoolParameter("EnableItem");

    // Transitions are created with a set of default values
    // That can be changed in the Generator settings (see later in the manual).