Avatars - Don't include Leaf bones when exporting to reduce bone count

When exporting to FBX, uncheck Armature > Add Leaf Bones to reduce the bone count.

Most of the bones added by this option are pointless in Unity.


World - Use Extrude Manifold to extrude rooms inwards

Using Extrude Manifold, walls of rooms can be extruded inwards.


Left: Extrude

Right: Extrude Manifold

Using Autodesk's free FBX converter will fix "ASCII FBX files are not supported" in Blender

If you have purchased assets that causes a "ASCII FBX files are not supported" message to pop up in Blender, use the free FBX converter from Autodesk.

See: https://www.autodesk.com/developer-network/platform-technologies/fbx-converter-archives