Build a world with 0 clients to reload existing open clients

When building a world, you can set the number of clients to 0.

This will cause the clients that are already running to reload without launching a new client.


Use multiple VRChat accounts simultaneously with a custom Windows shortcut

Using multiple VRChat accounts is an allowed and common practice among world and avatar creators.

There is a procedure to allow launching a new instance of VRChat.exe in a different account without asking you to login every time.

Locate and create a new shortcut to VRChat.exe.

In Steam, this is located somewhere like ...\\steamlibrary\\steamapps\\common\\VRChat\\VRChat.exe

Add the following launch parameters to your shortcut:

--enable-sdk-log-levels --enable-debug-gui --no-vr --profile=2 --enable-udon-debug-logging

Such as:


Double-clicking this shortcut will launch a new instance of VRChat in Desktop mode, and you will need to login to VRChat with your alternate account once.

You should then be able to launch multiple instances of VRChat, one using the regular executable, one using this shortcut.

Use --no-vr to force VRChat to start in Desktop mode

Using the same procedure as above, you can use --no-vr to start in Desktop mode.

Use --enable-debug-gui to check out Networking ownership

When using the --enable-debug-gui option, you can open debug windows by pressing the following keys on your keyboard, for example Right SHIFT + ``` + 3 :