If you can't see or edit collider gizmos, close all open inspectors and open one

There may be an issue if you have multiple inspectors opened.

One of them can block the gizmos from showing up or being editable.

Close all open inspectors, then open a fresh new Inspector.

If the Unity layout always fail to load on start, delete a config file in your Windows Appdata (???)

TODO: I left a message on Prefabs Discord with the solution but I lost it, find it back

In Discord settings, disable "Use our latest technology to capture your screen" to stream the Unity editor window

If you want to stream Unity window on Discord without sharing your entire screen, go to "Discord Settings > Voice & video > Screen Share" and disable "Use our latest technology to capture your screen".

This will allow you to stream the Unity window as a whole rather than one of its panels.


Type out the word “internal” in Help > About to enable Internal Inspector

<aside> 🚫 This feature is dangerous and could permanently damage your project and assets when used incorrectly.


Open “Help > About”, and type out the word internal while the About window is displayed.

This will grant you access to the Internal Inspector. Right click on the Inspector tab, and select “Debug-Internal”.

Type that word again to turn it off.

The Internal Inspector can let you see properties that are normally hidden even to the Debug Inspector.

For example, the bones array of a SkinnedMeshRenderer is not visible in the Debug Inspector, but visible in the Debug-Internal Inspector.

This feature is hidden and obscurely made accessible for a reason: There are no safeties provided. This feature is dangerous and could permanently damage your project and assets when used incorrectly. Do not use it unless you are absolutely confident about it.
