If you need to play a looping sound with an intro section, you can create a single audio .wav file that contains the intro followed immediately by the loop, and use UniWaveLoop to define where the loop starts.
My world VRWare uses this.
See: https://github.com/kraiHD/UniWaveLoop
Don't go to the World page; go to your Profile page, i.e. https://vrchat.com/home/user/usr_505d0888-f9f1-4ba1-92d5-71ff09607837
Then, expand the Worlds section at the bottom. Unlike the Worlds page, this does not require scrolling the list sideways.
When building too far away from the Origin of the world, precision issues will cause meshes to deform or move noticeably different. This is especially visible in VR where precision matters.
The main stage where players are expected to hang out most of the time should be close to the origin of the world, where the (0, 0, 0) point is.
Interacts and Pickups may sometimes have an infinite range, if there is a trigger Collider located anywhere between the player's hand and that Interact or Pickup.
UI Canvas like menus can be raycast with an infinite range, and will show the laser. You can disable the Collider component of a Canvas with Udon to disable the raycast and the laser.
If you disable the Graphics Raycaster component, clicking won't produce events, but the raycast laser will still show up. This is probably not what you want.
If your world is a small chill world, set the Main Camera's Near Clipping Plane to the minimum possible value. This will prevent two player's faces from clipping when they are very close to each other.
This advice may not apply if the world has extremely large open spaces.